Thursday 28 January 2010


No, sozzles. I'm not going to start a separate diet blog. I'm just going to write about it here. This is a posting about diets. I don't only write about diets, but I am now. If you don't like talking about or reading about diets, I'd skip along... There - You have been warned.

I started Weight Watchers (AGAIN) on Tuesday 19th January. If you've been following this blog a while you will know that Sprogs and I tried WW last year. Sprogs really took to it and did very well. I did not!

So I went back. Shame faced and tail between my legs...Do you want to know my weight? OK then, but I'll whisper it and please don't tell anyone. I weighed 11 stone 2lbs. I know I was full on shockerooed too. Well not that shocked, but I had hoped my bathroom scales had been a bit more out of kilter than they might be.

Here are a list of things I haven't eaten since 19th January.
(loads of good stuff beginning with C in fact...)
Take Away
Sweets other than WW sugar free or low sugar sweets.
Any pudding really apart from low fat yogurt.

You can include all of the above on a WW plan. There is nothing you can't have. As long as you stay within your daily points allowance. Most of the above will make that a bit more difficult to do, so I just haven't been eating them.

I have continued to drink alcohol. What? You want me to stop breathing too?

I am tracking my points online and trying to stick to the plan as best I can, which has meant, as it happens, lowering my alcohol in take. *gasps* I am replacing some, but not all of my beer with vodka and diet coke and generally drinking less and behaving more soberly. It is quite strange, but once I get used to it, I might quite like it!? Last night was the first night I went on stage without my beer in a long time. I think I coped ok.

You see, I am determined to get thin. Well, I'm determined to become much slimmer than I am right now. I'm aiming at something in the region of 9 stones, 9lbs, but when I get there, that may or may not be enough. We shall see. At least then I'll be in what the Health Nerds like to call 'Healthy Weight Range'. We are all different and perhaps the Health Nerds should get a life, but anyway that is what I'm aiming for.

At my second weigh in, this Tuesday. I was 11 stones. Yes, that is 2lbs off. My current diet buddy Lucy lost 3.5lbs in her first week, so 2lbs was good, but a tiny bit disappointing. I'm not too disappointed. I want to carry on with the plan and see if I can go all the way to a slim new me.

In my first week, I didn't do a lot of activity, so I'm trying to walk more places this week. I've done two walks so far, of an hour each. So, I'm hoping that will help this week's loss too.

I've cooked from scratch twice too. A big vat of soup and a big vat of pasta sauce, which are a very similar recipe, so I may need to change the soup next time to not get bored. Both of those contain loads of fresh veg and are very low in points.

Lucy went to get her hair cut last night. I asked her how it looks. She said "much better, but it would look even better if I were thin." Ha, funny how us dieters think things will be better once we are 'thin'. My response, quite randomly, was: "When I'm thin, I'm going to be a right slag." Yes, I said that. *ahem, Hello Mum, who gave you my blog address?* No, I don't think my Mum has my blog address. I bloody hope not.

I guess to clarify. Your size decreases and your confidence increases. (This isn't the case for everyone. Go Big Sexy Girls. Good luck to you. It isn't what I want for myself and I don't feel sexy right now.) When your confidence increases, that in itself is attractive to the boys and Hello Boys... Here I come. Ha ha. I won't be a total slag. It is just nice when you get a little bit of attention hey? No? Just me then.

What do you think of one posting, one topic? It is a new approach. Revolutionary. I have other topics up my sleeve... Comedy (of course) Knitting (but I'll keep that brief) Smoking (I'll probably keep that brief too, just in case Mum is on to me) Politics. (No, just kidding ;-)) More later, I'd best crack back on with some work. Cheers for now x


  1. Huzzah for Weight Watchers!!

    You're doing really well hun, on all fronts! I haz an ickle proud :)

    You'll be 9 stone something and making all the Larndun boys swoon in like...3 weeks!!

    Love love xx

  2. I have some sympathy for the diet thing. Some people are 'happy fat' and if you're one of them, then carry on. If you're not then doing something about it is healthy. Until we all go blind, aesthetics matter and you need to feel good about yourself. So go for it.

    One topic per posting - give it a shot. Who knows? I blog like a madman and that only works if I do it in a stream of consciousness kind of way.
