Thursday 29 October 2009


I went to a gig in Angel last night at The Compass on Chapel Market. The gig was called The Giggling Gibbon. For the record it was my 56th gig… but hey, who’s counting? Oh yeah, that is right, loads of us are.

I had three supporters with me, my ex boss, his date and Becki Sprog. The room above the pub was empty when Becki and I arrived, but by the time show started it was fairly full up and they seemed like a nice crowd.

Just to take a slight tangent for a moment, I have been reading a fair bit of comedy blog chat, not here, but scattered about the place in pal’s blogs and comment streams. There has been a fair amount said on the subject of finding the right approach to comedy and what drives us to keep going and what we amateur comedians really want to achieve.

I don’t generally contribute to this debate. I’m not big on theorising and maybe I even took the mickey out of Norm when he first coined such phrases as “High Energy Stillness”. I may have raised an eyebrow or two when every other week he seems to have a new system and a new comedy 'this is the one' approach. I joke about it and it isn't my way, but I love Norm for it really.

The thing is - we are all going about this in our own ways and whatever way that may be, we all need to give ourselves a pat on the back for doing something a little out of the ordinary. We are doing something the majority of people swear they never could do. Surely that has to stand for something in its own right. I take my hat off to Norm for being up and scratching his head for new material at 6 am. That is incredible dedication. There is only one 6 o’clock in my day and it is when I’m finishing work and heading to the pub.

Believe it or not, it has not escaped my notice, after 33 years, that I am not the most industrious or focussed of souls. At least I have enough self awareness to admit that. I remember pulling all nighters at Uni, trying to get essays finished fuelled only on ProPlus and lucozade sweets, because I hadn’t fancied doing the work sooner. I am the queen of deadline extensions and procrastination techniques. I like nothing more than a little snooze with the kitties and there is always something better to do than washing up or worse still - straining my brain for funny ideas to actually write down and turn into material.

So, I might not have much to add to a conversation on the best way to build a set or how many new jokes to add in at a time. I might not report every gig I do and go into detail about the bits that worked or not. My current set about my relationships with my brother and the set before that, known as seven things, basically grew out of last minute pre-gig panic and were developed more or less through repeated performance and trial and error. And there we have it: we all have to approach the problem from the angle that works best for us and give each other some credit for having stuck with this messed up old world we call open mic comedy for the last year and a half or so…

Anyway, I’m sure I had a valid point to make, but I’ll get nowhere trying to argue that bimbling along gets you to the same places as hard graft does, so lets leave it with the mutual group hug for hanging on in there, whatever the approach and get back to the gig. …

I had a rubbish day at work yesterday, pretty much everything and everyone was getting on my nerves. Before people go up in arms about the public domain and job security, it was just one of those days. Whatever previous posts have said, I’ve been trying to buckle down a bit over the last week, but I just had a horror of a day yesterday. By the end of it when Becki said that her mate had cancelled their plans for the evening, I snapped at the chance of dragging her along to my gig and I snapped at the chance of us having a few beers and a moan before hand.

This was the time when I probably should have been swatting up on my material and getting my head in a good place to perform, but I wasn’t in the mood for that, so Becki and I supped Guinness and had a bitch and a laugh together before the gig began.

I was the last up of four acts that formed the first half of the show and I enjoyed the first three acts, but have to admit at the back of my mind was – “hmmm, a proper read through would have been really good. Am I going to remember my stuff?” there was a daft quiz with audience participation right before my turn, prolonging my agony and by then I was just sat there thinking ‘oh God, I need to pee and I can’t sneak out now'.

When my name was called and I got to the performance area (no stage as such), I did my usual faffing around – where to put the mic stand, where to leave my pint, taking my time about it and the audience seemed to go along with it and see the funny side. It was a good start and things continued well as the audience came along with me and warmed to me throughout my seven minute spot…

At one point, I did completely forget my next line and had to turn to Becki, who has seen the set countless times for a prompt. Thank God she was there, but even that little kerfuffle seemed to keep the audience laughing and I picked it up and carried on to what felt like a really strong finish. I just love when comedy goes like that and you feel that mutual warmth in the room and everyone has clearly had a smashing time.

I don’t generally big myself up, but last night made me so proud of myself, I feel 'ickle tears well up when I think about it. During the interval, the promoter said he really liked the set and hoped I’d come back soon, another lady tapped me on the shoulder just to tell me how much she enjoyed my stuff and, last, but not least, one woman said to me – “thank you for making a shit week, so much better.” How sweet is that? Little does she know, that she in turn has made my week better too.

So...Have I got a two-year strategy in place as to how I’ll get my strongest possible twenty minute set? No.

Does that make me too lazy to ever make a living from comedy? Maybe.

Do I love the buzz when it goes really well, a room full of people get behind you, laughing in all the right places and some, then strangers feel the need to come and thank you after? Yes I do get a buzz from that and that is one of the best reasons I can think of as to why I do comedy and why I hope I’ll be doing comedy for a while longer yet, even if it does involve a bit of effort every now and again or God forbid I never make a fortune from it...

Tuesday 27 October 2009


Last night after three bottles of wine between two, it seemed as good a time as any to see if I could still do the crab - or as some call it the bridge.

Everyone can do a bridge - yeah so what? My claim to fame being that some time ago, in my more flexible youth - I could get to crab from standing and back up again, fairly effortlessly...

My 'friend' Becki, a trained first aider who you might have hoped would know better, cheered me on as I lent back as far as I could, dropped my arms back and as most of my joints creaked into life, I plonked down into what was, to be fair, a resplendent crab position. Even though, I was sozzled and I was in it, I have to say I bet it was magnificent. Nay, I know it was magnificent!

Once down there though, the prospect of getting straight back up to standing by will power alone was hampered by the fact that the open door that I could see behind me in an upside down way, was swaying somewhat. Everything I could see, had strangely started to do upsidey downy swaying.... Yeah, stuff was definitely swaying, that can't be right!!

I think for that first attempt, I chickened out and I just collapsed onto the floor, before getting up via a more traditional route, using knees and or elbows, but I would not be beaten....

Back down I went, yep everything is still swaying, really swaying a lot, bettter get up quick before this all gets too much... and I mustered all my hip strength and back strength and whatever strength it is that allows you to do that and up I went... woohoo, I'm up, I'm up, sh!t sh!t - I'm still moving forward really fast and now I'm tubbling round the coffee table and hurtling head first toward the fish tank...what the f*ck is happening here?? Aaaaaaaargh - Thankfully my head came safely to rest on the arm of the sofa.... No harm done.

You could see the relief in little Roger's eyes as he peered out of his tank and I think Didger did a little poo of relief.

As we used to say in the West Country... Laugh? We laughed our ruddy 'eads off...

I think I should try that again, says I...

Yeah, says Becki, You've nearly got that...

The third attempt wasn't nearly as much fun. I went down, I came up, I tumbled forward, this time towards the TV, but the tumble was minor really. All in all there was the glimmer of what could be gymnastic potential in that last crab trick and no one needs that as the end to a story.

We also learnt that Sproglet can do the crab too, but she needs to work on her getting up and down technique... It isn't nearly dangerous enough.

When we have a 100 ft garden, we are going to start tumbling classes. Come, they'll be amazing!

Sunday 25 October 2009

Lazy times.

Is what I'm enjoying now, apart from the fact that I'm writing this too. I think i've earned it though...I have had a pretty full on weekend, to be fair.

I worked Friday and Saturday night for The Comedy School Showcase. I'm not a natural born bar person, but I enjoy helping out Debs behind the bar for the showcases... I've done it four or five times now and am slowly getting the hang of it. It is after all, a free night of comedy, it stops me from going out and spending tons of money on booze and most of the time it is pretty good fun. The Comedy School helped me start out my comedy journey and it seems like a cool thing to be able to do, to help them as they help others to start out.

I went flat hunting during the day yesterday. I saw two more flats and had an appointment with a mortgage advisor... It all went fairly well. I have had a mortgage agreed in principle, which I don't think was ever in too much doubt... The important thing is, on a practical level, it does sound within my budget and I'm all systems go now. I really liked one of the flats I saw and am going back for a second look tomorrow with my flatmate to be, Becki Sprogs. My flat's HIPs should be done within the next few days and my flat will then be on the market. My head is already swimming with it all, but in a good way.

Talking of swimming, I went today, but read about that in the other blog later. Then lunch with the parents. We talked about my brother's wedding next year in Sorrento. All sounds lovely, but looks as if that is going to cost me about a grand at least. You have to love my brother! We also talked about the flat I saw yesterday, that was more interesting...

I got back to Walthamstow about 7.30 tonight and so I'm finally chilling out for the first time in what seems like ages. I might do some knitting shortly and plan to get a lovely early night.

Hmmm, must put more jokes in this blog - some other time perhaps.

Friday 23 October 2009

Hip hip hooray, it is Friday today

Well we've made it through another long week and the weekend looms like a giant sweet peach of free time and happiness.

FYI, those of you that were a little peeved by the previous glum Tuesday based post... I've responded in the comments and I'll be on my bestest behaviour from now on. Well maybe... Better not make promises I can't keep.

Sproggles has been busy with her blog. Some of the things she has been writing about are hilarious. Like locking herself in the loft at work. Classy chick.

I'm helping at the Comedy School tonight and tomorrow night. Showcase-o-rama. See, I'm kind and do helpful stuff. I'm not JUST an ungrateful layabout.

The househunting continues this weekend as well, so I'll keep you posted on that. Oh yeah, I have to do a whole lot of swimming too. I will update the Swimming blog next week, when hopefully, I'll be nearly half way across the channel ...

OK, I'm going to do some work now people. Yes, I said work... Wish me luck!

Tuesday 13 October 2009

That Monday Feeling.

Like I know it is Tuesday, but as I was out on my Team Away Day yesterday, today is my first day back in the office and today has a horrible feel of Monday about it...

Christ on a bike, it is boring here.

So was yesterday's away day (yawnorama), but it wasn't in Goswell Road and it ended at 3pm.

Sorry, I should stop moaning.

Stoopid job.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

The Big Clean

After my crazy arsed plan to find Becki and I a love nest, a very brief conversation with an estate agent has led to my flat getting valued tomorrow. Apparently it is better to be 'under offer' before hunting around for the dream home. My Dad says he can get my HIPS done for nuffink, so that is nice, they've been squeaking for a while now, but what that has to do with the flat, I've no idea. Anyway, so whatever happens, I need to know what this flat is worth and what I can afford, before I can look about for something new. I guess I'll be meeting with the mortgage people soon too then. So my mad capped plan is very rapidly becoming an actual real life very serious investment and change of life plan with all sorts of commitment and financial implications. Oh heck...

In the meantime. A big clean up was required and QUICK! Pictures were taken...

She won't be happy until that window sill is gleaming...
Not every day I get spotted doing the dishes...

And even 'shiny sinking' the sink

Now this next bit was where things really started to hot up. This stuff truly is a miracle...

Mix 1 part Miracle Foam shampoo with one part water and agitate to get the foam up...

Squeeze out the rollers...

And simply roll away the filth...



Et Voila...

Thank you Sproglet for all your help this evening. We ARE Domestic Goddesses :)

Tuesday 6 October 2009


Had a super time at Leicester Square Theatre last night. Shame I didn't get through to the next round of the competition, but I don't think I did too badly (by my standards) and there was some pretty good acts on... Anyway, we all had a riot and that is the main thing.

Then I got an email from Martin Besserman today about the Monkey Business gig I was due to do on Thursday and I've been dropped for Russell Howard and Stephen Merchant. Well I knew Merchant was performing anyway and I had been telling all my buddies that I was on the same bill as him. Now I'm not, because of that stinker Howard. Ho Hum.

Must book more gigs... You'll be the firsts to know when I do...

Norm, thank you for supporting last night. It was nice to have drinkies and drunken chats after.
Becki, thank you for everything. You are a smasher :)


Monday 5 October 2009

This blog Has Been Really Dull. Not Anymore It Isn't...


Of late, all this blog seems to consist of is apologies for lack of content or lack of frequency or lack of excitement. I'm not giving up though, like the owner of a stubborn untrained puppy, there may be poop everywhere, but I am plodding on. With hard work and determination (ha ha ha - did I really use those words?) With a bit of work and nowhere near enough determination, I'll make this blog, sit, stand and roll over with shiny coated, waggy tailed finesse...

Of course, I'd be much better with an actual puppy than I am with this here blog. I'd love that puppy. I don't show this blog enough love. Aaaargh my puppy analogy has got out of control and just made me go on about my unfulfilled puppy love and feel a bit sad again.

OK, Fetch...

It isn't like I haven't done blog worthy stuff, because I have.

I went on that boat trip. That was ace, Cruising on the River Wey aboard the Goosander ... That deserves a whole entry all to itself. It is unlikely to get one, as it is almost ten days ago since I returned, but remember these few points:
  • Narrow boats are generally smaller than flats or houses and they don't have lovely flush toilets. The bunks are quite narrow and you have to take care not to fall out of them.
  • Some locks are stiff, some locks are loose, whatever the lock - always remember to close the slooshes before you leave.
  • Mind you don't rip your fingers off by getting them tangled in ropes holding onto boats that are heavy.
  • Take whisky and whipped cream to add to your coffee. YUM! Warm and creamy, tasty coffee and booze - all in one!!
  • Boat people and people by canals and rivers are generally happier and friendlier than city people. Everyone Smiles. Try it! If you can be arsed, wave too. You might think they are all c*nts by the end of the week, but just keep on smiling and waving and you'll be fine.
  • Life on the river, means plenty of swans, geese and ducks to feed. CUTE. Big up to the swans, geese and ducks!
  • We were really lucky with the weather, if it rains, this holiday would most likely have been a heap of swancrap: Wet, stinky and no fun at all...
  • When you get off the boat and on to dry land after an extended stay, expect to feel discombobulated. Still things on land will seem to sway. You may crave to be back on the water, just so you know if it feels like it is moving - that is because it is!! Fear not, it is just your sea legs and your land legs rearranging themselves and something to do with your lugholes. It should only last a day or so.

A few piccies of note were taken, sorry not to have them ready. I'll sort them out soon. Or not, it don't really matter... I've painted the pictures with my words. Don't you agree?

There - CONTENT! And this puppy ain't done playing yet!!

Since I've been home from my hollibobs, I've been having some lovely nights out with my Becki Sproggles :) We have had mucho Fun! Such were our drunken antics on Friday night, that we stumbled back to mine and who knows what time in the morning, eating burgers, chips and appley pies from WFC. KFC was shut by then :P I'm a good friend. I didn't make her trudge home alone in the wee small hours. No, I let her stay. We woke up still a bit drunk on Saturday and we giggled and we giggled, just at our own silliness really, but it was very therapeutic and good for the soul indeed. Laughter is the most certainly the best medicine.

A tiny gentle breaker of a brainwave, lapping on the shores of my consciousness has become a brain tsunami as I think I might be about to do something about this next big life question: Why live by oneself in a one bedroom flat, when a two bed place (with a lodger), even if it does mean a bigger mortgage could actually be MORE economical? Plus, I'd have company and I'd look for one with a garden, to play out with the kitties and all in all it would be bigger, better and loads more FUN! I'd have to find someone to live with though... Who would make the perfect lodger? Who do ya think? Hee hee. I'm a reckless case when I put my mind to it and the Estate Agent is coming on Wednesday to value the current Ogflat.

I'm gigging too:

Oh yeah, I got past the 50 gig marks and thanks to Keith Palmer and The Comedy School for making number 50 so special. Keith doesn't read this, but if he did, he would see that I am grateful for him offering me a spot on such a lovely night. 100+ students and a really great line up, plus me. I wasn't bad and the night overall was very cool!

Comedy competition tonight at the Leicester Square Theatre and Monkey Business on Thursday. Oh yeah. I'm keeping up with the comedy goings on. Yes siree, I certainly am!

Roll on 100 gigs...

And I booked a three night trip to Rome. That is November. More on that later.

And I haven't been swimming as much as I should, but the Channel challenge rumbles on... See the other blog for that hey?