Tuesday 13 October 2009

That Monday Feeling.

Like I know it is Tuesday, but as I was out on my Team Away Day yesterday, today is my first day back in the office and today has a horrible feel of Monday about it...

Christ on a bike, it is boring here.

So was yesterday's away day (yawnorama), but it wasn't in Goswell Road and it ended at 3pm.

Sorry, I should stop moaning.

Stoopid job.


  1. Cuddles for gorgeous blonde Jobie later!! Cuddles and Guinness!!!

  2. Is it wise to diss the job on a public blog? I am occasionally startled when people I vaguely know tell me that they read my blog...

    Just a thought.

  3. I came to this through ‘Juvenile Dementia’ and I’ve been reading for a while. Well said Norman Cho. People are losing their jobs everywhere. If you don’t like your work pack up and let someone who needs to earn a wage have it. Why stay if you don't like it? You could find the choice is taken away from you. Would your manager be happy with your blog? If not, leave it alone.

  4. OK, points taken Norm and Glenn. Not my smartest blog entry ever...

    I don't suppose my manager would be too happy either. I'm sure he would at least admit that local authority performance work is not the most thrilling thing to spend one's days doing. We all have rough days, but I should keep these thoughts a little less public.

    I do keep my eyes peeled for new opporunities, but don't want to end up in a similar situation two or three years down the line, feeling fed up like I often do now.

    I do appreciate that people are losing their jobs and I'm in a priviliged position to be employed at all. Thing is, if we take those sensitivities to their logical conclusion, I'd never be able to complain about anything, for fear of offending the less fortunate. What would be left to grumble about then? I write happy stuff sometimes and for the most part do thank my lucky stars about the hand I've been dealt...

    Cheers all and Thank Crunchie it is Friday :)
