Wednesday 11 March 2009

Careful there...

Who writes blogs at half past midnight with a topnotch day ahead in Milton Keynes tomorrow/today? 

Who knows? 

I do apparently, even with several pints of lager coursing through my veins. 

Just had to quickly report on the last few days. 

A few days went by...

Who knew? Its a shock to us all.

On Saturday, I did a lot of mooching around the flat, (0h yeah, arsing around with blogs.) before I went to a party for my comedy buddy - Peter's - Landlady Mads' birthday.... who? well yes was good night out and I'll explain who people are when I'm writing after less booze. 

On Sunday, I got a special delivery to take me by motor cycle courier from Peter's place to London Zoo. I'm liking the motorbike way... yes, cool. At zoo, everything as per usual, but saw a one day old baby squirrel monkey. plus I was inside when the heavens opened, so not a bad zoo day...

On Monday, my current boss saw an email from me to my ex boss (now left our organisation,)  saying how I wish I could get a new job. Thankfully current boss seems fairly understanding about my diminishing interest in my current role, but the hour long chat about my future was still embarrassing. 

This afternoon, in an ironic twist of fate, after disclosing my general employment dissatisfaction to my line manager only yesterday, I got more work to do. Is that irony or justice? Anyway for the evening's pass times...I went to the Comedy Car Crash at the Lion's Den. I was on first, but then that was Tyrone's prediction. All that, not before seeing my Personal Trainer of course. A good Tuesday night out. I didn't cry at either. (Comedy or PT).

Too tired/boozed up for better writing or jokes. Sorry all 2 followers. love you all, JO x

Apparently people like a nice simple NHS waiting list gag. I could come up with more of those. hey, maybe I'll go topical. . . ?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. The combination of cats and a goldfish seems, well... unwise. How about a goldfish joke instead?

    Two goldfish were in their tank.
    One turns to the other and says,
    "You man the guns, I'll drive."
