Saturday 14 March 2009

Ice Creams

That last post was Mornington. I was sitting here staring at a blank blog box and she leapt across the laptop typing ./ and hitting publish all in one go. I think she might have been suggesting: "Just type anything bitch. It ain't rocket science so get cracking with it." I think that is what she was saying. comments welcome though. 

Anyway, She better know herself. I don't take that kind of crap from no kittie. 

I saw a man appear from behind a giant ice cream cone while walking home today. I was distracted, not looking forward, looking sideways at some fascinating lino samples outside a flooring shop. You know the lino that looks like wood. Wow!! As I looked up, there was the ice cream cone with a man just appearing out from behind it. I was simultaneously glad I'd looked up before walking into said ice cream and amused at perspective's happy little trick into the bargain. Really he'd been walking towards me all along and I'd just not noticed him. I wish he'd done jazz hands as he appeared though.

I've never bought ice cream from that shop, but always had a distant fondness for the big fiberglass tasty looking pretend ice cream cone. I like it more now.

It was comic relief last night.  I went to the boozer. It was comic relief in the boozer too, but with less input from Lenny Henry and more of a meat raffle focus.

My favourite parts were:
The booze
Supporting a good cause, thats what its all about though, ya?
The booze
The cheese and champagne prize winners party after the pub.
The Clapham Sangria.*

Mornington missed her weight watchers appointment today. Yes kitty fat. Kitty on a diet! Anyway I couldn't be arsed to take her to the vet for her weigh in. She hates all that, so it is a bit too much stress just to find out she's only lost some stupid amount or none at all. I might get her a treadmill though.

I do have to find out what is wrong with Roger's tail later and how to treat it, as its all blood streaked and Roger generally isn't himself either. Thats for later though. Its DVD time for now.


  1. I take it I didn't win the meat raffle then? On any level. Oh well. Consumed the genitalia shaped pears for dessert. That's one visual gag that won't be missed. How often do you do the Crash? I've signed up for an Improv Comedy Court that runs eight weeks so won't be going there for a while.

  2. No Norm, you didn't win the meat raffle. Although I don't know who you left your tickets with. I think you can safely say that meat is not yours.

    Those two girls won the cheese, we helped them test it later.

    I went to The Den last week, but that was my first time in many months. I'd be interested to hear how you get on with Improv then.
