Thursday 19 March 2009

Drinking on a Schoolnight

I have laughed so hard today and it was all at my own stupid behaviour last night. 

To try and keep this entry as brief as possible. Not easy with me. I shall refer to a text I sent first thing this morning to two very good friends of mine. I think it picks out the highlights of what occurred...

You know when you wake up and your shame sensers are waiting for your brain to catch up. Just woke up... what did I do? what did I do? Well Becki and I tried to talk **** **** (a comic*) into a threesome last night. That isn't the bit to be ashamed about. Well only coz he's cool and we weren't! Just why oh why? Most shame... I seriously thought he was up for it. Bearing in mind the state B and I were in and he never drinks. We all left the pub together. Were going to mine I thought. Then he escaped b4 tube! Shame on me. For best actually. Don't really want to see B starkers. Big phone. Big Texts. :)

It is a long text hey? I just got a Blackberry innit!!! Down with the kids me... 

Becki and I had at least five or six, possibly (probably) more pints of premium lager and looking back on it we may not have been a sober person's idea of a hot choice for a potential threesome. It all seemed hilarious at the time though. Whilst we both agree today that we were unlikely to go through with actually having a threesome. I thought he was up for coming back to mine for a jaunt and a giggle. I think he was just going along with us from the very beginning having his own big wapping joke at drunk people. Fair enough, there has to be some advantages in staying sober, but at the time when we got to Oxford Circus and he said, right I'm off to catch a bus, I couldn't believe he would opt out of a night of sexy times at sexy mansions, sexy close, Walthamstow. I was stunned.

Well it all certainly made Becki and I chuckle for our whole journey to work on the tube today. Just picturing the state we must have looked has me smiling again now. 

Yep the whole thing has really cheered me up. It made both friends I told crease up, so I think I've done them a good turn as well. I think I've found another solution to keep me out of the duldrums. Do more stupid drunk stuff. It will keep me laughing for days to come that will. 

I've got to go. My parents arrive in 20 minutes and I need to try and make the flat smell of flowers, not cigarette smoke.

Obviously I'm writing this blog with a wider audience in mind than it actually has. 1 follower/friend is in the story and another got the original text. I need to publicise more. Please tell all your friends.

* a good funny comic, but he's not on the tele just yet, so don't be wondering who... 


  1. And Becki, love. Don't be hurt that I don't want to see you in the nudey. I'm sure it is a wonderful sight of lovely lady lushness. I just know I'll get distracted thinking about your untamed pleasure garden every time we are in the information kiosk together at the zoo.

  2. And I'm still not getting laid...

  3. The bi-sexual tendencies are good (doubles your chances), albeit not with your friend and co-worker. The phrase "meat and two vag" springs readily to mind, which is defined - in the Profanisaurus (probably the most well-thumbed tome at Imperial) - as "n. A threesome involving two ladies and a smiling man who keeps pinching himself".

    So, I was right... the strong lager did the trick, just as I knew it would all along. I'm glad you're feeling cheerier; that's cool.

  4. Almost forgot. When are your next gigs?

  5. Pain Jo!! Pain!

    This HURTS me to my very core! I had to create an account to leave this message, I now have a highly uninterested and undecorative blog somewhere in the ether!

    Oh well! I'm sproglet now :D

  6. I am still laughing about that. Well done.

    And just admit it, it was Jimmy Carr wasn't it?

    Or maybe Alan Carr? That would explain a lot.

  7. It was Alan Davies....that hair really does it for me
