But no - Becki has ordered me to blog. She said it quite loudly. "BLOG" she said.
So here goes. If you don't like it, don't blame me!
In terms of news updates, funny snippits of my latest carry ons or jolly whimsy about recent world happenings.
No, I have nothing.
What I do have is a Christmas cough. My doctor has promptly prescribed a true treat for me in the shape of a five day course of that ever amusing atntibiotic - Amoxicillin. Watch this space for the New Year yeast infection to follow.*
I was overwhelmed (note mild sarcasm) at the joyful and plentiful responses to my early greetings for the season in last week's posting. I'll be frigged if I'm bothering repeating the sentiment this week.
Bah Humbug to you - one and all.
OK, I've just remembered one other thing I've been meaning to blog for a long time. My Christmas Gift to you all. You see, even in my darkest times, devoid of all festive cheer, I offer you something lovely... See, I'm not all bad.
Oh Yes. God Bless St John!
I have to get back to my knitting now. If you want to ask anyone about absent bloggage, ask Becki St John Sproglet where her scarf blog went. Ungrateful little blogging bully.
*Apologies for the earlier over share. (particularly to you Norm) It is a genuine possibility with penicillin though and besides, I couldn't resist a bit of festive fun meets seasonal ailment alliteration.