Wednesday 20 May 2009

Watching The Weight Gain.

For those of you who were terrified that I'd join WW and waste away to nothing. Panic not. I had put on half a pound at the dreaded weigh in last night.

See, I told you I had a lovely time at the Ritz and in Bath. The proof really is in the pudding :)

I AM GETTING BACK ON TRACK THIS WEEK. I AM GETTING BACK ON TRACK THIS WEEK. mmmm WW Mantras.... I'll be counting my points and going gymmy and drinking less. Ha ha, ok I probably won't be drinking loads less, but I'll try to drink a tiny bit less and not get so twatted that I have to eat tons of post booze junk food, so compounding my alcohol related calorie issues.

Sproglet has lost eight pounds in two weeks! WHAT A SUPER STAR... I must try harder!!!


  1. We'll be good tonight Jo, GOOD!! :o)

  2. Personally, I like females with a bit of meat on them.
