Thursday 7 May 2009

Weight Watchers

Ha ha ha ha ha. What a 'weigh' to fall off my WW Wagon.

DAY ONE - Yesterday

Well, I consumed 47 points yesterday. (I'm allowed 18.)

16.5 points went on booze and 23 went on Domino's pizza after the booze.

How fat is that? I wouldn't mind, I didn't even eat the whole pizza, although I did have garlic pizza bread with it!

So what. Get over yourselves - the lot of you... Must you judge me? I had to have that booze, It was hair cut day and doesn't everyone get trollied with their hairdresser as standard? I think everyone should. My hair dresser is often just a little bit drunk before he starts my barnet. I think it adds an element of thrill and excitement into the proceedings not available in most high street salons.

Here is how it turned out anyway:

I've been very good today. Only 8.5 points so far. I have points debt now, so not a lot of choice really... Even with hangover cravings for grease and pastries and any food. Mmmm food. I've been good and resisted temptation. Shame I didn't try that yesterday.

Never let it be said, that I'm not taking this WW venture seriously!

Anyway - I'm still in the office, which is most un-necessary. Someone has turned most of the lights off and the cleaner is hoovering around me. I think I shall head home for a low point dinner.

Cheerio xxx


  1. Oh my God - you look really good! Sophisticated and confident, not damaged and withdrawn. Now as I think about it, I like you less...

    And there's no sign of an enormous buboe oozing green pus in the middle of your chin, which suggests that the image has been heavily re-touched. You fibber, you!

    How many WW points is ten pints of Stella (not the piss-weak version) and a greasy doner kebab - none of that healthy shish muck - served by a syphilitic Persian? I am genuinely interested, as my weight loss plans to date comprise mostly of excising internal organs which, from an evolutionary perspective, are no longer required. I'm starting with my appendix (that's got to be 1/2 lb, right?) and working from there.


  2. Bollocks! A typical appendix apparently weighs only a few ounces unless you're morbidly obese to start with and, under those circumstances, your percentage weight loss is likely to be comparable. And then, of course, there's the scar tissue. Arse.

    Back to the drawing board...

  3. Stella is about 3 points each - so 30 for that. A Doner Kebab is listed in my book as 9.5, but I bet a decent one is more than that.

    Sorry to hear the appendix plan won't work.

    Re the spot, It didn't really ever reach its full potential and I was surprised as the next person to see that it wasn't glowing in this photo. I had to have another look. You'd not know it is there, but even today I can still feel it a little bit.
