Wednesday 6 May 2009

Wednesday 6th May 2009. The Reluctant Blogger.

I don't want to blog today. It is six days since I last bothered though. So here are a few thoughts/happenings from this week.
  • No comedy this week. Everyone needs a week off now and then.

  • Joined Weight Watchers (WW) last night. I'm trying to lose a stone. To begin with that is, if I get that far, I may decide to carry on and try and lose some more. Hmmm, unlikely!! Thing is, if WW does help me lose a few pounds (14 or so), I'll be looking slim and cheery by the time Summer finally kicks in! Which is a nice thought... Sproglet, my WW buddy has set up a whole new blog to chart WW progress. I'm not sure if I can manage that. Maybe/Maybe not. Watch this space...

  • Have had to engage with work a bit more this week. These things happen. MLP is all over my flagging/non existent productivity like a bad rash. It is still a struggle though. See this mid afternoon blog. I'm still very bored here.

  • Having my haircut tonight. Any suggestions on styles, colours or the general look to go for?Too late, I am having it cut long and coloured straggly blond. First person to notice any difference when they next see me wins a prize.

  • There is a massive spot growing right in the middle of my chin. Distressing or what?

  • Remind me to tell you the story of the disappearing temp. Must go to a meeting now, so can't do it just yet. Its one of those disappearing temp stories we all love to hear though... Temps hey, you just can't trust them!

Today's Lolcat Funny: Can't think who this reminds me of??


  1. Huzzah for the massive spot! It's all those impurities working their way out...promise.

    I think you should cut it short and dye it pink, that would look sexeh

  2. Impurities - bollocks! Anyway, everyone knows that chubby girls are a better ride.

    Talking of spots, I'm seeing Professor Anthony Chu at my very own Imperial College on 18 June about my folliculitis. This is an irritating and unpleasant condition whereby the follicles on my chin sometimes become infected and very, very itchy.

    I am expecting a character perhaps a little like the old git in the Karate Kid. Or perhaps like the Chinese fellow in that film with Tom Hanks, who promises to cure his cancer with spirituality... "Life is trying to teach you, but you do not want to learn."

    Of course, I should be wary of colouring my expectations with racial stereotypes. I reckon I'll just get some miserable bastard who'll charge me a few hundred quid (with no staff discount) for piss-poor advice. The c*nt.

    Hair cut. You're perfect as you are, Oglet.
