Tuesday 2 June 2009

Blue Skies on a Tuesday

Oh Hai,

It seems odd that I haven't blogged since this time last week and I kept meaning to, but it has been a really quiet week and other than overdosing on BGT, I've achieved very little. Not that enjoying the guilty pleasure that is BGT is any achievement. So, in brief, I've acheived nothing. OK? Happy Now?

My Sprogs goes to Italy tomorrow. Have fun there Sprogs and you take good care of yourself and don't eat too much lasagne. She has taken herself down to sunny Croydon to stay with her parentals tonight before flying from Gatwick tomorrow. As a result I'm off to WW alone this evening. I'm having the same traumatic expectations as I had last week, except last week there was a surprise last minute weight loss. Trust me: surprises like that don't happen two weeks in a row! I think I may have ballooned.

The week though: I haven't gigged, I haven't found (or even looked for) a new job, I haven't dated (or had any random overnight romances). It really has been a quiet week. There are a few highlights:

Had Fambly day in Brighton on Saturday. My niece is walking now. Yay for her. Oh, does that smack of bitterness? No, she was very cute and her toddling is divine! We went to a place callled Zizzi for late lunch and I had their Rustica pizza, which is huge. Yum Yum. Well the pizza wasn't that fantastic, but it was pizza and it was huge. Both of which I'm in favour of. I had a Twister as we walked along by the Brighton sea front. Only 85 calories in a Twister. Yum again... I didn't go in the sea though. Somehow a trip to the sea-side isn't complete without a paddle or a swim.

I got bitten by a ferret on Sunday. Actually the ferrets were very sweet and the biting was a bit of a shock, but handling them was still a highlight. We get so little animal interaction in our volunteer role at the zoo, that you takes your thrills where you can find them. Thankfully, I didn't panic, when his little teeth latched onto that bit of flesh on your hand between thumb and forefinger. I was putting him down just as it happened and although he was reluctant to let go, even once on the ground, he didn't break the skin, so I like to think he was only playing.

A little tickle under the chin or some other distraction meant he did let go after a few seconds and I was a little more cautious with them after that, but still happy to pick the little fellas up and show them to the public, which is why we there really... I am quite a confident ferret handler and that was only my second time. Must be all the practice with hamsters and rabbits as a teenager and kitties my whole life. Show them you're in charge and they are happy as larry. (Apart from the one nip, we all had a whale of a time. At least it was me that was bitten and not some little kiddy) Ferrets are smelly and dirty, but still cute and cuddly. How does that work? Or am I just a complete nitwit about all God's little creatures?

Chris suggested we had lunch in the Park today. I had a salad box from the local cafe and we had half hour in the sun on a bench. It was lovely. Shame everyone keeps saying the weather is due to change.

Look out for that oh so over due over achievement this week. I'm gigging tonight (Well going to the Comedy Car Crash) and I have all sorts of smashing stuff planned for the weekend. *ahem* Jo rushes to make smashing weekend plans, to give this blog some kind of purpose for a change.

I was told to keep this blog. Unleash your creativity I was told. These last few weeks, it just serves to remind me how fricking dull I can be.

Oh, just remembered the little birdy I rescued from my bedroom on Saturday morning. It was 5.30 am and I'd just fed the kitties, (Early Brekkie wake up calls.) so they were in the kitchen, when I heard this weird little scratching. I realised I'd heard the noise earlier too, but now both kitties were accounted for and out of the room, so it wasn't them arsing about, as I'd previously assumed.

I looked around a bit and hidden inside a crown of golden (cardboard) that I had made once for fancy dress, was a little brown birdy. It was nestled on a green felt pixie hat, that I'd made for Oxfam Stewarding pixie duties last year, that was under/inside the crown. Fancy that... a little birdy making a little fortress from my fancy dress headwear stack. Well, I rescued that birdy. I threw a teatowel over it's little crown/pixie hat hiding place, so as not to panic birdy when I moved it and I took the whole lot outside. When I lifted up the tea towel and the crown the little birdy flew away and up into a tree. I went back to bed, slightly weirded out at how long the little birdy had been in my room, but glad I'd been able to rescue it.

I threw the pixie hat and the crown away. They had bird shit on them.

OK maybe I'll do some work or have a cuppa or find something else incredibly important to do now. Did someone say Frappuccino? Why not indeed :) Laterz.

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