Thursday 25 February 2010

Laser update

My laser pen arrived in the post. Woohoo, this new super toy which will revolutionise Mornington's exercise regime. Or will it?

It is so much more than I ever could have hoped. Not only does it shine a little red light. It does actual writing AND there are two buttons, not one. What you may ask does the other button do?

I wondered that myself last night as I had just drunkenly and excitedly ripped open the parcel from and I hit one button: Little Red Dot, as expected. I hit t'other button and no more lights. What is that for I wondered... It was a mystery. I hit the button a few times and couldn't figure what it was for. One to be solved after I'd eaten burger, chips and had a good night's sleep.

This morning, I played again with my new laser toy. One button - little red dot, Other button - Ouchy ouch - An Electric Shock!! WTF? 1) Why? 2) How drunk had I been not to notice that last night!!?? Re 1) I assumed it was to keep yourself awake during boring meetings. Having shown the pen to a lot of colleagues at work, it appears it may actually be quite a funny prank. Ho ho ho.

I had good fun at work surprising people with the shock element of the new toy and most colleagues are already tired of me shining the little red dot at their computer screens while they are trying to work... Perhaps I will leave it at home tomorrow.

As for the cat... She is scared of the stupid laser!! How outrageously pathetic is this kitty of mine?! It is a little red dot! What is to be scared of? Oh well, it gets her off the sofa anyway, as she runs away as soon as I shine it in the same room as her...

I had a lovely time at Desperately Seeking Stagetime last night. (My 77th gig... it was bound to be a sweety - all the sevens :)) I had mucho beer and rounded off my evening with no falls, just veggie burger and chips ( mentioned earlier during the laser anecdote). Then I had a delicious curry with Mum, Dad and brother Gary tonight. I had vegetable Jalfrezi and I didn't scrimp on sundries either. Another week of WW fail it seems!

I am still thinking of joining Match again. I especially enjoyed the debate that created on the last post... I think as long as I manage my expectations and don't go into the exercise hoping for anything in particular, it should be fine. I'll just see if I can meet a few new interesting people out of it and at very worst - get comedy material!?

Well people, Match or no Match - romance is in the air. I have been invited to a wedding. It is my brother's wedding. Just as well he invited me, as I'm already 800 pounds in debt to my Mum for a ticket to Sorrento, where it is taking place in July... The actual invite arrived by post today. Perhaps I shall stick it to the fridge to remind me why I'm trying to lose a stone and a half in weight.

They say there is no wedding list, but if you wish to buy a gift, John Lewis vouchers is what they'd like. Err yeah, about that. You want vouchers too? Get married somewhere cheaper to get to and stay at. Just a thought.

My nose keeps running and it would seem I am destined for my first cold of 2010. Arseholes.


  1. And hello Ade. Lovely to have you.

  2. Whatever you do, don't settle for the extra value medium meal. INSIST on going large and go for the potato wedges as well as the onion rings. Remember, you're worth it. (BTW - that was a JOKE).

  3. My advice would be to clearly visualise the mate you're looking for, including age and height. Then when you meet him, flash your little pen in his eyes, give him a shock and if he's still interested, bob's your uncle.

    I love that you gave yourself a series of electric shocks while completely oblivious to the fact. Almost like you're super-human.

    Please do go on this Match system. But don't tell your suitors you've got a blog so that you can dish us the dirt.

  4. Laser pen?!!? After my experience with last week I am not too fond of them, but I hope it helps in your quest for a weight loss for Mornington

  5. Ha, your laser pen tale was a proper shocker. Mornington isn't getting the hang of hers at all. I'll be shining mine at my neighbours before long. I've sod else use for it.
