Saturday 20 February 2010

A bit of a favour... Please.

Firstly, a warm welcome to my new follower Jack - Hi... Thank you for following. This favour may not apply to you so much, but join in if you fancy...

For those of you who have known me a little longer, you might find it easier to help with this... you might find it more difficult, but I know you love a challenge...

So, here's the thing - I'm biting the bullet and next weekend, I'm having photos taken. Photos of me. How did I reach this terrifying descent into the world of vanity and self obsession? The back story is fairly simple: last year I was asked for a photo of myself for a charity gig I was doing. (yes admittedly, this has only happened once so far in my 18 month open mic comedy career...) Nevertheless, it happened! When (if) it happens next time, I'd like to have a proper photo to give the promoter.

At the time, I provided a photo taken in the pub. My hair dresser took the picture for me, just after he had done my hair. Yes, I met my hair dresser in the pub. He doesn't cut my hair at the pub, we do that round his house, then go to the pub to show off the new do straight after. He works in a proper salon in the day time and is a friend as well as someone I know from the pub.

Anyway, back to this photo situation. I liked that photo. I've even posted it for you here, but it is already on facebook and twitter, so not a massive surprise.

It obviously isn't a professional shot, which is what the other three comics on the bill of the charity gig were able to provide. So, I'm having some taken and it is happening a week from today. Giada (who'll be taking the pics) has said it should be fun, but I'm reserving judgment on that until I can see if she can capture me without my eyes drifting off in all directions and me generally looking like a mong. As if I weren't anxious enough about my first (and probably last) photo shoot, I've been asked to do homework before I go! Yes, homework and this is where you come in. Below is an extract from an email from Giada. See what you think:

"unless you already have very specific ideas about what kind of photos you want, I'd suggest this exercise... think of 3 adjectives to describe your act. Maybe ask some friends too as your perception can be different from how the audience sees you.* This will give us a starting pont to identify your voice on stage and try to represent it in the photos"

This reminds me of the Walking Tall personal branding course I went on. Hmmm, that was fun too. Even asking for these words seem incredibly vain, but can you help? If we all come up with depressed drunk cat woman, perhaps I'll cancel the photo shoot and chuck myself in the Thames instead.

I don't think you'll let that happen. Will you? Please - 3 words each, be honest, but not too honest. Put them in a comment here, in an fb message, in an @Oggers76 tweet or in an email, depending on how well you know me and if you have a blogger account or are just passing by...

Oh, if you haven't seen my act, you could still have a bash at this, base your answers on as little or as much as you might have read in the blog. It could all help.

Mucho thank yous in advance people.

At the very least, good or bad - there will be more pictures in this blog at some stage soon!!

While I've been writing this post, that NHS advert about 'drink can do damage you can't see'. Honestly, sometimes I wish the NHS would fuck right off and I haven't even had a drink since Wednesday.


  1. Hard to say, you've always been my comedy buddy Jo O. if I had to describe you , it would be as a thinner, younger, and better looking Jo Brand. With blonde hair. Not sure that helps at all.

  2. Thank you Sprogs. I think.

    Thank you Norm. Is Jo Brand the only slightly grumpy female comic there is to compare me to? Hmmm, well your fb comments also noted and gratitude shown over there.
