Sunday 7 February 2010

Sunday is a day of rest, so I'll make this quick.

If I could do blogging this good featuring amazing kitties like (mine). I would. I mean I could, I just well you know....

As it is, I'm busy doing nothing, and helping out at - ya know the zoo and drinking free wine at the comedy school, god bless 'em, I never link to their top notch charity page, coz I is lazy - ahem busy. but do google the comedy school. I've promised them 1 million pounds if I win 113 million on the Euro Millions next week... I'm not promising anyone else that.

Oh for those 2.2 readers who don't speak to me on a daily basis,
  • gig 72 was smashing cheers, lovely feedback and yeah, 3 gigs 'pencilled' in for the next 7 days, so we'll see if I make it to all of those/do any good.
  • I lost 4.5 lbs on WW in 2 weeks (not expecting much from this week)
  • I haven't smoked in over 2 weeks while I've been about it.
  • Knitting is slow to say the least. (That must be what happens when you are knitting for yourself. I do remember the last and only scarf I made for myself took 3+ years... This one is about 3 weeks, but still miles off.)
  • Work is as always...
  • Still lonely and grumpy, but see above for all the stuff I'm doing to keep the badness at bay. you know, playing the lottery and letting friends take comedy photos of my feline friends.
  • I said I'd write about the Estate Agents. You wouldn't effing believe it if I did.
  • Oh yeah, my Nan got sick. She is very old, but hopefully ok for now...
My bed is calling and I wish bloggers were barred from bullet points. More soon, kiss kiss, hug hug etc etc...


  1. Just how long is the queue I'm in fora share of your euro millions?

  2. Come on, Ogs: podcast. Digital recorder. Get web-savvy with your self-promotion, be cutting edge and satisfy the portion of your audience who refuse to go to pubs with more than ten people in them!

  3. Nate, yes, I do need to fix myself up with some of those modcons...

    Norm, Not just a queue, but a very complex set of eligibility criteria... I will email you the application form when I get my hands on the winnings.
