Monday, 1 March 2010

Interruption in Service.

Sorry my darlings. Things are a little up the preverbial shit creak at the moment.

On the matter of the public vote...

The votes have been counted... 100% of voters say I should continue with my online quest for love. (6 people have now expressed an interest in favour of me carrying on and it is 7 people really if you include Butterfly, who suggested I try OKCupid over Match. We must assume she is still in agreement...Thanks to Butterfly and PG for your website tips.)

I will not question all of your motives in voting yes to me continuing with these OKCupid adventures. I know you have only my best interests at heart and it has nothing to do with the promise of funny dating stories. And so we press on.

Or do we?

After the initial excitment and controversy of my first OKCupid missive, it has been a slightly slower few days in the world of my online love hunt. There has been no wind breaking (well not in a saucy way any how). I have not been swept off my feet and whisked away to a Love Nest in the South Pacific or some other exotic location. As I say, slow progress, or was I hoping for too much too soon?

I did get a few more classic messages from people on the website. I will share those with you, in due course. Unfortunately disaster has struck. Yes, both blogging and hunting for love have been severely impeded by my macbook dying. Yes RIP Macaroon. I never ever called the mac macaroon when it worked, just suddenly I felt it should have had a pet name. I say that it died, but it actually fell foul of a serious case of mac-slaughter at the hands of my kitty.

Now I'm not saying that Lucy knocked that Guinness onto the computer on purpose. That would be absurd. But lets face it she likes things just the way they are and who can blame her... Our happy trio, Mornington, Lucy and I, we fit just nicely in that double bed of ours... (and the fish - they don't hang out in the bed though...) It would be in her best interest to prevent me finding love and happiness or even a special fun buddy via OKCupid. Who could blame her for conspiring against this ridiculous plan... As far as she is concerned a man is absolutely, no questions asked, surplus to requirements.

You could ask why I'd parked my Guinness right next to the computer in the first place. And to that I say: Shut up. This is not important to the story. Must you be such a continual nit-picker? The cat is to blame!

So, I am scuppered for a few days at least. I hope to have the computer repaired or replaced in the not too distant future. I know I sometimes blog from work too (like now) and if possible I'll even do my online dating from work, but unfortunately this abuse of the organisation's time and resources is not always possible. For this week at least, I need to feign interest and look busy, while our entire care management system is replaced. Oh what fun...

For now I am away to be weighed at Weight Watchers. Wish me luck and I'll see you soon with a full update on the OKCupid situation and hopefully more user involvment and multiple choice options for how I should live my life. :-)
For the comedy fans. Panic not, I haven't given up comedy to pursue romance full time, I just didn't have any gigs booked this week and although that is terrible planning and not ideal for my progression, I'm secretly very grateful. My lip has erupted in a big old cold sore and I wouldn't like going on stage looking scabby anyway. You know actually scabby rather than just a bit of a scruff, like my usual stage image requires. Did I mention Gig 77? It was at Desperately Seeking Stagetime and I had a grand old time...

Oh, I've also seen some of my photos from Saturday's photo shoot, so I'll have to share some of them with you as I go along... Here is a taster. One that family and closest friends liked best so far...

Take Care People. xx


  1. Uhhhhh, that chocolate orange gave me a foodgasm.

    Loving that picture Oggers!

    Looking forward to tomorrow night and hearing about these classic messages. The weirdos love coming out for fresh meat, hopefully they'll lose interest soon :D xx

  2. Very nice photo. Let's have a few more. What did Giada charge you?

  3. I like the photo. Very clever.

    Your subconscious placement of the Guinness and unspoken conspiracy with the feline collective is fascinating. May I suggest setting up a few more controlled experiments?

  4. Thank you for your kind comments. To manage expectations. I'm waiting on more photos from Giada. She isn't finished with them yet and this was just one from a few that she sent me as a taster ... I'm hoping she will have airbrushed me to within an inch of my life, I shall be blemish free, a size 8 and the final shots will be ready by October 2011. :)

  5. Ha Sprogs, Giada had to prize that Terry's Choco Orange out of my little hands. She wanted to press on and try some other ideas, I was in a Chocolate Trance and not willing to let go of my new friend.
