Friday 17 April 2009

No Time To Blog.

I promised pictures from Cornwall and haven't got any of those posted yet. Here is the "i can has cheezburger" offering for the week.

It is a poor state of affairs when there isn't even any time to blog. Sorry Peoples...I've either been drunk, hungover, in work, asleep or all four at once this week. I'm in work now, but as it is lunchtime on Friday, I thought a quick posting wouldn't hurt anyone.

So I went along to Party Piece in Stamford Hill/Stoke Newington on Tuesday evening. It seemed really empty when I arrived and Tom W tried to suggest we might want to call it off, but a few newbies were keen to go ahead with the show - that old precious commodity stage time. never mind the lack of audience looking at the stage... I sat on the fence about whether to go home or go ahead with it, but most people were happy to give it a crack even if it was empty and strange. I think the right decision was made. By the time it kicked off around 8.45 the room had filled up just enough, so that it wasn't too odd. About 20 people, but the majority of those acts still...

I wasn't up until act number 10, so fairly late, (but not on last at least) and there were still some people in the room. Still shying away from the 7 things set, I went on with a vague idea of recounting my weekend in Cornwall. Some words were written on a bit of old notepaper (wow, progress of a sort...), but not particularly memorised and the general plan to just blag my way through and all in all it went ok. One or two big laughs and a fair amount of jolly chucklement along the way.

Wednesday at work was tricky. Stella is evil! Especially 4 or 5 pints of it on a school night.

I was stalking Ray Presto at Pearshaped on Wednesday, well I popped by and blagged my way in for a beer after my friend wanted to go home early and I still had the booze lust... It was suggested that I might want a spot there that night, but it didn't appear to be too easy or fun, so I decided against it. The beer was the real draw for me.

As it turned out, they were pulling the stage backing down and wanting to pack up before the last chap had even finished his set, so don't really think there was time for me to go on any way. The last act seemed mortified as well you might. I'm glad I popped by though as a lovely young chappy that I was speaking to suggested I try the Comedy Brewhouse in Islington for stage time, Fridays or Saturdays, so I'm going to go along this evening and see what the score is.

I got taken out to dinner last night. Yes these things happen - very occassionally... Had a nice night except I felt like death warmed up after having spent the previous evenings downing copious amounts of booze. Then the tricky moment at the end of the night, where I'd been umming and arring as to whether this was someone I wanted to take things further with and he suggests a kiss .... Aaargh. I had to make that awful decision there and then. I decided No. I think things were left amicabally, if a little awkwardly... I'm fairly sure we shall go out again and at least we both know where we stand and that we aren't taking things along the route to romance.

He is a very nice guy, but I just wasn't feeling that extra spark. We had a delicious Thai meal though and that did help with the hangover a little, but not enough. On the plus side, I felt far too ropey to continue my pattern of extreme drinking, so today I'm enjoying the benefits of easing up on that front at last.

In other news:

Spikey Mike, the comedy mogul of the Midlands, was updating his comic contact spreadsheet and sent round an email asking the usual questions. Are you still doing it, where are you based and do you drive...

It pains me to say yes to that question, as I hate driving so much, but it is a well known fact in comedy that if you drive, you get more gigs for ferrying other comics about. Well the sooner I start getting my confidence up and using this precious gift the better.

Within minutes of replying to Spikey Mike's database update, I was offered a spot at the Leicester Gong tomorrow (if I could give people lifties.) What the hell - I don't mind being exploited for my driving skills and car ownership... Two people are meant to need lifts, but only one has been in touch so far. He hasn't mentioned petrol money - only the offer of a werthers original. Could be interesting.

I was planning on popping into the Amused Moose Qualifier tomorrow, but it takes all afternoon and I will be cutting it too fine in relation to when I need to set off for Leicester, so now I'm leaving the comp entry till the very last minute and planning to go along to that on Sunday Evening after the zoo...

One way or another, I'll be doing my 30th gig this weekend and if the wind is in the right direction and all three comedy spot ideas come to fruition, I'll be up to 32...wowee...

Could be a busy weekend ahead - well I at least seem to have free'd up tomorrow daytime for cleaning, relaxing and kitty strokage.

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