Tuesday 7 April 2009


One of my favourite blogs, if not my absolute favourite blog: "I have a blog now??" by the Excellent Debut-Novice Blogger - Becki Sproglet has always got lovely pictures and funnies to put the reader at ease and add a little sparkle to the always amusing and thought provoking text.

This has been bugging me a few days now - I've been thinking "I want more images, more glamour in my blog." I thought about adding one of my special photos that I keep on a memory stick at home under lock and key and usually only bring out during extra special instant messenger conversations. Then I thought no, lets put up a pussy shot.

So this is my image for today: from a favourite site of Sproglet and I: I've written plenty about being down in the dumps in my first month or so on the blog. I liked that this was about grumpiness and it did make me chuckle.

Special note to Barry. Sorry the stalking has been dull of late (noticed on Peter's comments). I'm going to have to go out of my way to jazz this sh*t up now. Aaaaah, the pressure. Quite sweet that stalking me ever sustained any level of interest for you in the first place. You really should get out more.

2 in a day sproglet. Hope that suffices for now :)


  1. Sproglet is happeh.....and Sproglet got advertisement too :o)

    I loves that kitteh!! It did remind me of you when I saw it!

    Thank you for the blog compliments dearheart, I'm just as addicted to your regular outpourings!!!

